Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Doughnut Tradition

Late last night I picked Graham up from the airport in Charlottesville, reunited at last, and I held that guy's hand all the way home.  And this morning, after he and the kids had some snuggle time in our bed (I kinda remember now why I've wanted that king size bed), we all went downstairs for a grand homecoming celebration.  You see, for six months every time I asked my children what they were going to do when Daddy got home, the conversation went something like this:

Maddy- "We're gonna watch River Monsters and Killer Squid on Animal Planet and. . ."

Harper- "Daddy's going to make pancakes!"

Maddy- "Yeah, chocolate chip pancakes and. . ."

Henry- "And we're gonna wrestle . . ."

Harper- "And blueberry pancakes. . ."

Henry- "And we're gonna go get some wittle, wittle doughnuts. . ."

Harper- "Yeah, glazed doughnuts."

Henry- "With some wittle spwinkles. . ."

Maddox- "And chocolate glazed doughnuts too!"

Doughnuts, it seems, are a tradition in the Crouch family that goes way back.  They have been used to celebrate, memorialize, and reward many children and events over the years.  Graham tells me that his mom made a heavenly batch of doughnuts every Christmas morning.  My father-in-law still tells the story of little Graham, when given the choice of any doughnut in the case, craftily selected the biggest pastry- a massive glazed Bear Claw-for a special treat.  So, what better way to welcome Daddy home than to have a doughnut-themed celebration?  I gotta tell ya, it was pretty sweet.

Just by cutting a hole in a paper plate and decorating our "doughnuts", the kids were all able to help with the homecoming preparations.

Henry and Harper are proud of their work on the doughnut banner!

It's not Krispy Kreme, but it'll do.

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