Monday, November 22, 2010

Give Thanks

With Christmas just around the corner, Thanksgiving is often an overlooked holiday especially among the little ones. This was the case in our house up until just a few days ago. Maddox was so looking forward to her December birthday and dreaming about her Christmas wish list, she kept forgetting that Thanksgiving comes first on the calendar! I am the host home for our family's celebration this year, so I made it a point to involve her in decorating the Thanksgiving table. Here are a few of my ideas for anyone out there wondering how to spice up the dining table or involve the kids in preparing for the big day.

This is the oldest craft in the book, but still cute! Have the little ones trace their hands, then cut out and attempt to draw your best turkey face and feathers! Adds a little whimsy to an otherwise grownup table.

Maddox loved decorating her spot at the table. The napkin ring is actually a turkey headband I got last year at Pottery Barn Kids. PBK has them again this year along with adorable pilgrim hats.

She is very proud of her work!

Buy some Indian corn on the cheap this week at the grocery store, soak the husks until pliable, and attach to a large vase with kitchen twine. So easy and inexpensive and it makes a great centerpiece for any Thanksgiving table.

We have so many reasons to give thanks this year at the Crouch house! Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Brain Drain

Now that Henry and Harper are five weeks old, sleep deprivation is in full effect. Both Graham and I have learned to survive on less than fours hours of sleep which, by the way, is exactly the amount of hours needed to complete a full sleep cycle. Needless to say, there is some major brain drain going on in the Crouch household these days. However, our minds aren't the only things we're losing with two babies and a pre-schooler around. Evidently along with depleted brain cells comes depleted battery life. With all the infant-related gadgets in the house, I am replacing batteries like there is no tomorrow. I swear, if I have to run to the store for another box of AAA, AA, or C batteries to replace the ones gone dead, I am going to scream. From the monitors to the swings, play gym, vibrating chair, and even the teddy bear that mimics womb-like sounds, I will likely spend hundreds of dollars replacing batteries. I hereby vow to forevermore give batteries as baby shower gifts. It is possible the most practical and appreciated thing us moms can receive.

P.S. Energizer is trading for $70 a share today. I am seriously considering investing.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's In a Name?

I received one of the sweetest surprises yesterday when I learned that my best friend's precious new baby has been named Molly. Laura and I have been best friends since we were in middle school. We know each other better than just about anyone! Surprisingly, we haven't lived in the same city for over a decade, yet our friendship remains strong. I am so honored to share my name with Baby Molly and can't wait to meet her soon.

My own children also have significant names. Harper Rose shares her middle name with my grandmother, Winifred Rose. Sadly, my grandma passed away a week after the twins were born, but I had written her a letter before their birth to let her know we were so proud to be using her name.

Landrum Henry's name also has great meaning. Graham's birth father was named James Landrum. Landrum goes back several generations in the Hood family. Graham's dad is named William Henry (called Bill) and his grandfather is of the same name but called Henry. We decided to combine Landrum and Henry to honor both fathers.

Miss Maddox Olivia is in a class all by herself. No one in either family shares her name, making her truly one of a kind. She has proved herself to be a pretty unique kiddo, so I'd say it's totally fitting!

I always love hearing how couples decide on names for their children. What an incredible
process and choice. Just thought I'd share another reason why Maddox, Harper, and Henry are so special to us!

My Grandma Winnie and I last summer. Harper shares her middle name with Grandma.

Graham's birth father, James Landrum Hood. Our Henry's first name (Landrum) is after Jimmy.

Graham and his dad. Our Henry is named after William Henry.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Confessions of a Tooth Fairy

A few nights ago, my daughter donned a tooth fairy costume and promoted good oral hygiene by handing out toothpaste while, at the same time, collecting a load of Snickers, M&Ms and the like on the biggest candy holiday of the year. So much for cavity prevention! Seriously, it was adorable. Her costume was completed by a large tooth bag, handmade by my mother-in-law, that she used to stash her treats. The best part of the night was when we got back home and realized we had not purchased any candy for trick-or-treaters so Maddy began to pass out her own goodies. After all, the tooth fairy is known for her generosity!

Here is a pic of our tooth fairy as well as other Halloween costumes throughout the years.

Both tricks and treats went into the large "Teeth" bag this year!

Last year's cupcake came complete with multi-colored sprinkles made from cheap elastic hairbands!

This little monarch butterfly was too precious in 2008.

Mommy's little strawberry on her very first Halloween.