Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Favorite Fall Gal

Well friends, fall is upon us and I have spent the last few days switching out my closet to reflect the cooler temps. What I've realized (along with so many of you ladies) is that I don't need to accumulate another stitch of clothing this year. There is more than enough already and truth be told, I need to pack up a big ol' giveaway box. It can't hurt to look at the fall fashions though, right? In doing so, I've noticed a few things. Beautiful warm colors are in. Rusty reds, mustard yellows, deep teal blues. Leather is back, but not just in jackets, boots, and bags. I've seen many skirts and dresses in leather or with leather detail. Finally, hems are getting longer. You'll find many dresses in a mid-calf length this fall, not flattering on everyone, but worth a try especially with great boots.

All of this brings me to my new favorite designer, Maggy London, sold at Nordstrom. I love Miss Maggy, not just because the line stays on the edge of fashion, but also because it fits well and is affordable. I have bought a few pieces in the past and am tempted once again by these little cool weather beauties:

Love the color of this dress and the neckline. Throw a belt on at the waist and you're set. No other accessories needed.

This one is edgy, but I really like it. It is a black/brown combo, made from a faux leather, making it much more affordable.

Another one with the leather detail.

This was me this summer in my Maggy London dress. Bought it last year just before I found out I was pregnant. ha! It had to wait a while, but I loved wearing it this summer.

This one looks a lot like my dress in the pic above, but is from a different designer and sold for over $300. I only paid 1/3 of that price. Really affordable and stylish!

Happy Fall Fashion Hunting!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Ill take your giveaway box Molly =) You always look so stylish, no matter what you wear. Love the dress with the wide leather belt!
