Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where Have All the Good Boys Gone?

I have to say that it has all been just a vicious rumor until now. For years, I have heard that cute clothes for little boys just didn't exist, but what did I care, I only had Miss Maddy to dress up. And boy, have I had fun doing that! All the sweet little embellishments, the lace, the buttons, the ruffles. What a treat! Of course, I'm having fun passing down Maddy's baby clothes to Harper now and enjoying them the second time around.

But boys clothes are another story. Thankfully, at this point the majority of Henry's wardrobe is supplied by my sis-in-law who has two cute and very cool little guys of her own. But, when the time comes to do some shopping for Henry, I am at a loss on who has the market for the best things!

Furthermore, what is up with my son's future career being chosen for him by the objects on his clothes? I'm pretty sure young Henry won't grow up to be "mommy's little slugger" or a NBA star. I'm sure he'll be interested in construction vehicles (as most children are) but must there be every digger, dump truck, and plow imaginable drawn on my son's chest? Some designer or company out there must be getting more creative...

So come on all you moms of cute little guys, share your secrets! Who makes it and where can I buy it at reasonable prices?

Here's a few things I found just bummin' around today.

Love the look of this old turntable. Very cool. Found at Nordstrom.

Tea is one of my favorite companies. Sizes 0-8. This layered one piece has a nice geometric pattern.

Cute little outfit from Gymboree. This store always has the whole outfit put together for you. Great for those of us pinched for time, but can get pricey.

This argyle may be about as preppy as I am going to get with little Henry, but if you know of more traditional companies with great boys' attire (smocking, monogram, john johns), I am willing to take a look and keep an open mind, although my husband might kill me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Tea...gymboree, janie and Jack. ALSO- kelly's kids, Hannah Kate, etsy (seriously!), mudpie...yep it is hard. I like very traditional clothing for little guys. So you may not like them...but you may. Welcome to my world. ; )
