After my firstborn arrived, I guessed I would be back to my old self in no time. Imagine my surprise when I was still wearing maternity jeans and tops for several weeks after my daughter was born. Ugggh. (I was seriously tempted to burn all my maternity wear after that, but glad I didn't because I just sold a bunch at a consignment sale in Charlottesville!) Even after I had lost enough weight to pack away the maternity garb, I still couldn't fit into any of my old clothes for several months, and made a lot of cheap and cheaply-made purchases out of desperation. Lesson learned.
This pregnancy go round, my expectations have been much more realistic. I realize that it may be Christmas before I am really feeling good about myself again and am able to have "me" time for some of my favorite workouts, namely jogging and yoga. Also, after birthing twins I am not planning to be back in my pre-pregnancy size anytime soon. What I am hoping to do is still maintain a bit of style while trying to change 16-20 diapers a day, feed two hungry mouths every few hours, and attempt to keep my sanity.
A few weeks ago, I found a great line of active wear online at Nordstrom that will be perfect for lounging after the babies arrive, as well as running errands and working out in a few months down the road. The company is called Zella and the jackets and pants are stylish and comfortable. A little pricey, but I find it best to buy a few quality pieces instead of purchasing many items that won't last in the long run. Here are a few things that I loved:
The "Edge" jacket. Very cool.
This is the Zella wave print jacket. Also comes in black.
Loved this houndstooth jacket although it is no longer available at Nordstrom. Waiting to see if they receive another shipment anytime soon.
The pants are also great! I ordered the Zella "Soul" and the "Booty" pants and they are a nice, heavier material which tends to be very flattering!
Sending Love to L.A., and What to Do Now
7 hours ago
Do you have Lululemon stores by you? Their stuff is really well made and stylish...but yes, very pricey. I recently got an email from Gap about their workout/lounge clothes...I need to stop by the store to check them out!