Sunday, December 26, 2010

Your Next Baby Gift

Attending a special baby shower in the new year? Or looking for a one-of-a-kind gift for that sweet niece or nephew? I've got the perfect thing for you! It's the Baby Mop!

Would you like to add one more special touch to your gift? Try the Bucktooth Binky!

Seriously, Graham and I just spent an hour on a website called Cracked, and couldn't stop laughing.

Hope this gives you a good chuckle!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Are They Twins?

Yesterday, I braved the unknown and went to a grocery store in Culpeper with all three of my children. It was scary. Meltdowns could occur at any moment. I was by myself. Anything could happen... Luckily, the babies slept through the whole trip and Maddox walked right by my side the entire time. However, in the store I was asked no less than half a dozen times, "Are they twins?" Of course I always smiled sweetly and said yes, but here is how I wanted to respond:

A. They are the same size, you idiots!

B. They are wearing coordinating hats. Need I say more?

C. Do you really think that a person in their right mind would venture out by themselves with two infants in which one didn't belong to them? Of course, they're twins!

So please friends, next time you see a mother of multiples out at the grocery store with a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face because she's terrified that one of her children could lose it at any moment, don't ask her stupid questions. Just offer to push her second grocery cart around because her other one is filled with babies.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa and Jesus

So, Maddox and I are watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast together yesterday and it gets to the final fight scene where Gaston knifes the Beast in the back. Although she's seen the movie a million times, Maddy gasps at the violence, then says "Mommy, Santa and Jesus would not appreciate that." After I composed myself, we continued to talk about Jesus's love for all people, even the ones he doesn't appreciate! Teachable moments, I love 'em.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

Like most of you out there, Christmas is my favorite time of year. The colors, smells, tastes, and traditions of the holidays are ingrained in my soul. From cinnamon and cloves simmering on the stove to the bright red of a flowering poinsettia plant, I love this season. Even the nasty fruitcakes in the grocery store take me back to days gone by. Now that we have our own family, Graham and I are creating new traditions while being sure to integrate some of our individual family customs into the holidays.

One such tradition that we have incorporated each year since we got married is buying a real tree to decorate at Christmas. There have been years where we have been lucky enough to get the whole wonderful experience at a tree farm and other years where we walk up and down aisles of spruce and fir trees at a store or lot. Regardless, the evergreens always come home smelling and looking beautiful.

This year, Graham and Maddox went out to search for a Christmas tree while I stayed home with Henry and Harper. It was good father/daughter bonding time for them and I was happy to give them that opportunity. When they came home later that morning, both were so excited to have found the "perfect" tree. Full, sturdy, and tall, this tree was going to be memorable. . .

The first worrisome moment came we brought the thing into the house. "Wow, it looks bigger in here than it did outside," my dear husband observed. The huge trunk also gave us pause. Then the moment came where we hoisted it up into the tree stand. Uh-oh. Turns out we had a 10 foot tree on our hands! After a good laugh, Graham started hacking at the poor tree trunk with a hatchet. (I am still cleaning up wood chips that went flying all over the room!)

In the end, our tree has turned out to be lovely. Most of the ornaments are from our childhood making it very special indeed. Best of all, we added another Christmas memory that will live on in our family for a long time!

Graham and Maddox so proud of their tree!

The uh-oh moment. Tree is too tall!!

Henry checks out the decorated tree later that day.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Give Thanks

With Christmas just around the corner, Thanksgiving is often an overlooked holiday especially among the little ones. This was the case in our house up until just a few days ago. Maddox was so looking forward to her December birthday and dreaming about her Christmas wish list, she kept forgetting that Thanksgiving comes first on the calendar! I am the host home for our family's celebration this year, so I made it a point to involve her in decorating the Thanksgiving table. Here are a few of my ideas for anyone out there wondering how to spice up the dining table or involve the kids in preparing for the big day.

This is the oldest craft in the book, but still cute! Have the little ones trace their hands, then cut out and attempt to draw your best turkey face and feathers! Adds a little whimsy to an otherwise grownup table.

Maddox loved decorating her spot at the table. The napkin ring is actually a turkey headband I got last year at Pottery Barn Kids. PBK has them again this year along with adorable pilgrim hats.

She is very proud of her work!

Buy some Indian corn on the cheap this week at the grocery store, soak the husks until pliable, and attach to a large vase with kitchen twine. So easy and inexpensive and it makes a great centerpiece for any Thanksgiving table.

We have so many reasons to give thanks this year at the Crouch house! Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Brain Drain

Now that Henry and Harper are five weeks old, sleep deprivation is in full effect. Both Graham and I have learned to survive on less than fours hours of sleep which, by the way, is exactly the amount of hours needed to complete a full sleep cycle. Needless to say, there is some major brain drain going on in the Crouch household these days. However, our minds aren't the only things we're losing with two babies and a pre-schooler around. Evidently along with depleted brain cells comes depleted battery life. With all the infant-related gadgets in the house, I am replacing batteries like there is no tomorrow. I swear, if I have to run to the store for another box of AAA, AA, or C batteries to replace the ones gone dead, I am going to scream. From the monitors to the swings, play gym, vibrating chair, and even the teddy bear that mimics womb-like sounds, I will likely spend hundreds of dollars replacing batteries. I hereby vow to forevermore give batteries as baby shower gifts. It is possible the most practical and appreciated thing us moms can receive.

P.S. Energizer is trading for $70 a share today. I am seriously considering investing.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's In a Name?

I received one of the sweetest surprises yesterday when I learned that my best friend's precious new baby has been named Molly. Laura and I have been best friends since we were in middle school. We know each other better than just about anyone! Surprisingly, we haven't lived in the same city for over a decade, yet our friendship remains strong. I am so honored to share my name with Baby Molly and can't wait to meet her soon.

My own children also have significant names. Harper Rose shares her middle name with my grandmother, Winifred Rose. Sadly, my grandma passed away a week after the twins were born, but I had written her a letter before their birth to let her know we were so proud to be using her name.

Landrum Henry's name also has great meaning. Graham's birth father was named James Landrum. Landrum goes back several generations in the Hood family. Graham's dad is named William Henry (called Bill) and his grandfather is of the same name but called Henry. We decided to combine Landrum and Henry to honor both fathers.

Miss Maddox Olivia is in a class all by herself. No one in either family shares her name, making her truly one of a kind. She has proved herself to be a pretty unique kiddo, so I'd say it's totally fitting!

I always love hearing how couples decide on names for their children. What an incredible
process and choice. Just thought I'd share another reason why Maddox, Harper, and Henry are so special to us!

My Grandma Winnie and I last summer. Harper shares her middle name with Grandma.

Graham's birth father, James Landrum Hood. Our Henry's first name (Landrum) is after Jimmy.

Graham and his dad. Our Henry is named after William Henry.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Confessions of a Tooth Fairy

A few nights ago, my daughter donned a tooth fairy costume and promoted good oral hygiene by handing out toothpaste while, at the same time, collecting a load of Snickers, M&Ms and the like on the biggest candy holiday of the year. So much for cavity prevention! Seriously, it was adorable. Her costume was completed by a large tooth bag, handmade by my mother-in-law, that she used to stash her treats. The best part of the night was when we got back home and realized we had not purchased any candy for trick-or-treaters so Maddy began to pass out her own goodies. After all, the tooth fairy is known for her generosity!

Here is a pic of our tooth fairy as well as other Halloween costumes throughout the years.

Both tricks and treats went into the large "Teeth" bag this year!

Last year's cupcake came complete with multi-colored sprinkles made from cheap elastic hairbands!

This little monarch butterfly was too precious in 2008.

Mommy's little strawberry on her very first Halloween.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Cake

Every birthing story is different. Ours started with a cake. . .

After days and weeks of false starts and stops of labor, I was scheduled for an induction on Monday, October 18th. It wasn't an ideal situation in my mind, but by this point I was measuring 43 weeks pregnant and I was miserable. So Monday it was.

Last Wednesday, Graham and I had the day to ourselves. He was off work and his mom had taken Maddox to D.C. overnight. My poor mother-in-law had been staying with us for over two weeks by this point and was meeting up with my father-in-law in Washington before heading for home. While we had free time, Graham and I spent the day running errands, taking a walk, and even going out for a movie and dinner.

At about 9:30 Wednesday night I began having contractions, not too close together but consistent. This has all happened before, I thought, so I shrugged it off and began baking my husband's birthday cake, a yummy yellow cake that used tons of eggs and butter, with a dark chocolate frosting. It took a little over two hours to completely prepare, bake, and cool, and by the time I was done, it was after midnight. All along I had been timing contractions. Finally, about 12:30, I went upstairs and laid down to get some sleep. Little did I know that just a few hours later my little ones would be born. Turns out, I was baking their birthday cake all along!

Graham and I made it to the hospital around 3:30 on Thursday morning, October 14th. I was in serious pain and my contractions were only 2 minutes apart. I was fully dialated a half hour later and our Baby A, Harper Rose, arrived at 5:04 a.m., weighing 5 lb. 13 oz and measuring 19 1/4". Baby B, Landrum Henry, was just about 30 minutes later at 5:35 a.m., weighing 5 lb. 6 oz and measuring 18 1/2".

Harper and Henry have completed our family. They are true joys to have brought into this world. I can't wait to share more of them with you in the coming weeks and months! And by the way, today is Graham's birthday! He celebrated with a near sleepless night last night as Henry and Harper decided to have his party for him from 12-5 a.m.!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Flipping Out

Based on a recommendation from some new friends of ours, I bought a handy little gadget yesterday called the Flip. It is a video camera that can literally go anywhere and is tiny enough to fit right in your back pocket. Made by Cisco, the HD Flip stores two hours of video from one charge and has a USB arm built right in. With ease of use and instant playback, even Maddox can record and watch right away. We plan on taking it to the hospital when we have the twins (not that we'll be taping the birthing moments- ha!), and can't wait to capture those special firsts in the months to come.

This little gadget retails for $140 at Best Buy right now, $60 off the usual $199 price. I also purchased the 1 year "accidental death" plan. Gee, do you think it's possible with a pre-schooler and two infants that this poor little camera might get dropped, spilled on, sat upon, or cracked in some other way? The $25 insurance was, in my mind, completely worth the extra pennies!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun on the Farm

Today, Maddy's pre-school class visited a local pumpkin farm. This was the field trip she had been waiting for and it did not disappoint. Other than choosing "the best pumpkin in the world", the children listened to stories, played around on the farm, and learned about the different pumpkins that grow here. We heard about varieties like the Cinderella and Fairytale pumpkins, Confetti squash, and even the hilarious One Too Many or Redeye pumpkin. Personally, I was most excited to take a hayride through the fields in hopes that it might be bumpy enough to produce my own little pumpkins. Alas, the ride was slow and smooth.

I go back to the doctor on Friday (one day shy of 37 weeks) for an ultrasound and consult. Can't wait to meet these babies and share them with you!

Perfect fall weather for the pumpkin farm.

Getting in a little John Deere tractor time here. True farm girl today!

The infamous hayride that didn't trigger labor. Bummer!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Posh Preggos

A dear friend of mine who is expecting her first baby next spring emailed me today to ask for advice on where to look for maternity clothes. I too remember wondering about this when I became pregnant with Maddox. Over and over I asked myself why women have to give up their sense of style for nine months? Surely there had to be more out there than cheap polyester and bad denim. Where were all the posh preggos?

Over the course of two pregnancies, I now feel like I have this maternity thing down pat. A few pointers for all my fellow big belly sisters out there:

1. NEVER shop out of desperation. The worst maternity purchases I ever made were done when I had "nothing to wear."
2. If it doesn't fit well in the store, it won't get any better when it comes home. Period.
3. Check the labels. Pregnant women are like little walking ovens. Polyester doesn't breathe. Why in heaven's name would you buy something that would make you even hotter than you already are?
4. If you weren't into shirts with beads and sequins as a non-preggo, don't go there just because you are expecting (even though they are in rampant supply for some unknown reason). In other words, stay true to your style!
5. Look for the bargains. You may have to join a company's email list or keep checking back, but everything goes on sale eventually. Again, patience.

Here are a few things I found today when bumming around on my favorite maternity websites:

Love this pocket tunic sold at Isabella Oliver. Wear it over jeans or with tights this fall.

This cool chain necklace top is from Heidi Klum's line at A Pea in the Pod. (P.S. It is on sale right now).

I think Gap has the best maternity jeans. You could spend a lot more on designer brands, but why dish out that kind of money on something that will only fit for a few months?

This embellished sweater is new at Old Navy. It is stylish and comes in four fall colors.

Love this top from Nordstrom. The cut is great and the gathered seams are flattering. Wear to work or out on the town.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cut from the Cloth

So, I have the MOST talented friend, Jenny Gilbert, who just happened to "pick up" sewing several years ago, and since then has seen her small business, Savvy Stitches, take off. You can visit her website here. Her specialty is window treatments, but she has dabbled in much more including pillows, baby gifts, hairbows, and now, clothing for girls. When my nursery was finished, I had a bits and pieces of fabric left over. Instead of storing away the extra scraps or tossing them, I sent everything to Jenny and asked her to just make me some things. Here's what she came up with:

Love the fringe on this pillow for my rocker. I think it gives it a great Western feel while still looking sophisticated.

Oh-so-cute bibs for the kiddos. I appreciate that Jen uses snaps on these!

Burp cloths always come in handy and now I have some that match the nursery!

Even Miss Maddy blends into the mix as Jenny made her a sweet little apron.

So don't toss those leftover fabric scraps anymore! You never know how they might be put to good use!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lounge in Style

After my firstborn arrived, I guessed I would be back to my old self in no time. Imagine my surprise when I was still wearing maternity jeans and tops for several weeks after my daughter was born. Ugggh. (I was seriously tempted to burn all my maternity wear after that, but glad I didn't because I just sold a bunch at a consignment sale in Charlottesville!) Even after I had lost enough weight to pack away the maternity garb, I still couldn't fit into any of my old clothes for several months, and made a lot of cheap and cheaply-made purchases out of desperation. Lesson learned.

This pregnancy go round, my expectations have been much more realistic. I realize that it may be Christmas before I am really feeling good about myself again and am able to have "me" time for some of my favorite workouts, namely jogging and yoga. Also, after birthing twins I am not planning to be back in my pre-pregnancy size anytime soon. What I am hoping to do is still maintain a bit of style while trying to change 16-20 diapers a day, feed two hungry mouths every few hours, and attempt to keep my sanity.

A few weeks ago, I found a great line of active wear online at Nordstrom that will be perfect for lounging after the babies arrive, as well as running errands and working out in a few months down the road. The company is called Zella and the jackets and pants are stylish and comfortable. A little pricey, but I find it best to buy a few quality pieces instead of purchasing many items that won't last in the long run. Here are a few things that I loved:

The "Edge" jacket. Very cool.

This is the Zella wave print jacket. Also comes in black.

Loved this houndstooth jacket although it is no longer available at Nordstrom. Waiting to see if they receive another shipment anytime soon.

The pants are also great! I ordered the Zella "Soul" and the "Booty" pants and they are a nice, heavier material which tends to be very flattering!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How 'Bout Them Apples!

Just in time for fall, our family visited Carter Mountain Orchard in Charlottesville to pick apples. My sister-in-law and her boys came along for the fun. Our nephew Dresden fully expected Uncle Graham to climb to the top of the tree to retrieve the Golden Delicious apples, but thankfully for Graham, we found some low hanging fruit. We all had a yummy time munching as we picked! Too bad for me that it was a long hike into the orchard and back and it felt more like summer than early autumn. Afterwards, I recharged on a big bottle of water and an apple cider doughnut! Totally worth it!

Dresden and Maddy show off their fruit!

Baby Lex sucks on a sweet apple piece.

The kiddos take a break while Graham goes scouting for more apples.

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Little Country Fan Fare

Coming up this weekend (Sept 24-26), there's a little country fair going on in Columbus, Ohio. Actually, it's not little nor does it have the typical makings of a fall fair. It is the Country Living Fair and it is fabulous! It features over 150 vendors, free baking and decorating demonstrations, and yummy food, though you may not find any deep-fried Snickers. Sorry.

I attended the Country Living Fair last year, and for two whole days I walked the Ohio Village fairgrounds in Columbus, oohing and aahing over some amazing wares. Everything from antiques to jewelry to primitives to the most whimsical decor was there and most were at reasonable prices. Here are some things I picked up:

Found this hat rack at a vendor called Chick's Picks by Hillary. I love it because it looks like big wire whisks.

Spotted these flower pins at the fair also and attached them to my hat rack.

I scored this dried goods box from a vendor on the last day of the fair and got 30% off! If you are patient enough to wait and willing to risk losing the item, you can get some great final day deals!

I bought this antique glass window from a gentleman living in Michigan that finds and restores them. I change things out seasonally on my fireplace mantle, but the window is a mainstay.

So, to all my KY and OH friends, head to the fair this weekend. As a bonus, you just might see my sister-in-law who works for Country Living in New York City! And to all my deep south girls, the Country Living Fair heads to Atlanta in October. Happy shopping!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maddox checked this book out from the library yesterday for the third time this summer! It is a darling story for little girls who just want to "let their sparkle out." Written by Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma Hamilton, I would highly recommend reading The Very Fairy Princess to your children, or to yourself whenever you need to tap into your inner princess!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby Steps

As any MOM (mom of multiples) knows, pregnancy is viewed in baby steps. It is critical to the babies' survival that the pregnancy go to 24 weeks. Things get more optimistic at 28 weeks. If you can keep those babies baking for 32 weeks, they will have a distinct advantage, spending a few weeks as opposed to months in the hospital. The little goals, or baby steps continue from there.

Today, I have entered my 34th week of pregnancy. This was my biggest goal and is truly one of my greatest accomplishments. Doctors told me that after 34 weeks, I would be able to deliver at the hospital we have chosen (as opposed to the larger university hospital that is more equipped to handle pre-term infants). We were also told that at 34 weeks, doctors will no longer try to stop labor once it begins. These little ones could truly arrive any day! Of course, my next step is to make it to 36 weeks, or full term for twins. And any goal after that would be the goal to get these children out of me!

On a funny side note, we just bought a larger vehicle a few weeks ago to fit the ever-expanding Crouch family. As much as I resisted a third row vehicle, Graham and I realized that things were just going to be too tight with anything smaller. We chose a Mazda CX-9 and are very pleased. After they are born, we are planning to put the babies' car seats in the second row and Maddy's booster in the third. Last night, when on the phone with her grandparents, Maddox was asked where she was going to sit once the babies arrived. She responded without hesitation, "In the trunk." ha!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Little Lair

If you know me, then you can imagine that I have had visions of the nursery dancing in my head long before I knew the genders of these children. Decorating is just about my favorite thing to do. Now, mind you, I decorate on a budget. In fact, three pieces of furniture in my nursery are from the thrift store in town, not to mention the changing table I bought a few years ago at a yard sale for $10. Decorating any room should be about vision and patience. If you are able to completely furnish a room in your house in a weekend, then you have missed out on the joy of adding personal touches, playing with fabrics and colors, and making the space your own.

When we found out we were expecting a boy and a girl, the inspiration for their bedroom was already in place. A decorating magazine called Domino, which has since folded, featured a child's bedroom entitled Urbane Cowboy. I had tried to convince my daughter Maddox last year that she really wanted a cowgirl themed room, but somehow she thought pink was a bit more her style! The Urbane Cowboy nursery couldn't have been more perfect for a gender neutral room, and I was thrilled to put it together for the twins.

I started with a few basic pieces that held great significance for our family. My husband's boots from 1980 (and a pencil drawing of the boots sketched by his grandmother), some linen cowboy/cowgirl hand towels from the 50's that were in the family, even a pair of little white leather holsters with silver pistols that someone had given my mom when she was pregnant with me (clearly they assumed I was a boy). To top it off, Graham's mom gifted us with her cowgirl boots that she wore as a toddler, then saved for all these years.

Next, I found the cowboy fabric I had been coveting in the Domino picture. It is from a North Carolina based company called Rosenberry Rooms. You can check out their website here. When that order came in, I headed to a good fabric store and matched up the final fabrics to create the room. With a lot of help from a dear friend and her very talented mother, the bedding and curtains were made. The little lair is finally complete!The nightstand here was $10 at the thrift store. We painted it and it looks like new! Camel stool is also a thrift store purchase. I had it recovered with a cool ikat fabric.
We wanted a modern element, so I researched animal print rugs and found this one at West Elm. The framed picture on the right is from a Ladies' Home Journal article 'The Make Believe Twins' published in 1951; it was given to me by my sister-in-law.
A pic of big sister Maddy in the room wearing Daddy's cowboy boots. I wanted it to be a bit abstract, so I chose a picture with her back to the camera.
Those linen towels I told you about got turned into pillows, denoting whose crib is whose. I knew I had to offset the bold pattern of the rug with a few smaller prints for the bedding. Stripes are always great to work with when decorating. I also thought the fabric for the bumpers looked like little campfires and would be perfect with the cowboy/cowgirl theme!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Managing the Mayhem

Many months ago, a few friends encouraged me to start a blog. At the time, my husband was working overseas and I was looking for an outlet. Let's face it, I was bored. A blog was a way to stir my creative juices, get some new energy flowing, and share tips and advice on some of my favorite things. Decorating. Fashion. Travel. Hospitality.

Funny how life throws you curve balls. This spring, I found out I was pregnant... with twins! Suddenly life wasn't so uneventful anymore. Thoughts of blogging got replaced with more important things. Doctors appointments! Prenatal vitamins! Books on multiples coming out of my ears! All this with my husband still overseas and my three year old daughter left to wonder why Mommy's tummy was growing at an unheard of rate.

Now, here I am, expecting my little ones any day (a boy and a girl), yet still feeling the itch to blog. Of course, the purpose of it has taken on a new meaning. Less on the latest handbag, more on the necessities of the best diaper bag. Fewer tips on managing the home, more advice on managing the mayhem. Less about me, more about my family.

Looking forward to sharing life's moments, mercies, and musings through Girl, Boy, Girl. Enjoy!