Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady

Yesterday, the kids and I took a trip to our local Target and met the quintessential crazy cat lady. I was there to buy the Target brand formula in bulk and was approached by a nice woman who looked at all the children and naturally asked where the baby section was located. I pointed to the large "Baby" overhanging sign and thought I'd be on my way. Boy, was I wrong. Without warning, this woman began to tell me exactly why she needed food from the baby aisle. See, she has these cats and one of them has no tail and has some digestive problems. Frankly, it poops all over the house, but it can't help it because it has no tail and can't keep itself clean down there and can't seem to make it to the litter box. And, she goes to this vet in Greene County and he doesn't know what's wrong, but at least he's honest about it and says he doesn't know.

At this point in the conversation, red flags are going up everywhere and I realize that I am riding in the passenger seat with this woman and we are on our way to Crazy Town. I begin to slowly walk away from her, hoping that she doesn't notice because she's talking a mile a minute and maybe she'll just look up to take a breath and I'll be gone. But, she notices my escape route and begins to walk alongside of me. Maddy begins to say "C'mon Mom, let's go!" and I tell her hang on just a minute, sweetie. Slowly, the seconds tick by.

I officially checked out of the conversation when she announced that she dresses her cats up in costumes and the cat with no tail was Santa Claus for Christmas. I gave Crazy Cat Lady a puzzled "huh" then hightailed it out of there. As soon as I knew we were in clear, I filled Maddox in on the fact that the woman we were just speaking with was certifiably crazy. My daughter looked slightly frightened by that news. Oh well, she's got to learn some time. . .

Oh, and if you're wondering what the connection was between Crazy Cat Lady and the baby section, the cat with no tail will only eat jarred baby food meat. Go figure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Crazy Cat Lady

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Fever

The forecast is 77 degrees tomorrow with full sun. The first daffodils have opened up and my dogwood and poplar trees are budding. Graham and Maddy pulled out the old croquet mallets tonight (when it was still light at 7:30) and played around in the yard. I am in heaven. Spring officially begins next week but already the days are longer, the air is warmer, and my heart is lighter. Here are just a few of my favorite things this season. You could say I'm coveting them, but I think optimistic wishing sounds far better.

I LOVE this three-tiered stand from Pottery Barn. Galvanized anything is so great, and this multi-functional piece is perfect for flowers, potted herbs, or even as a fruit stand. Dying to have it on my kitchen table this spring and summer.

Okay, so what if it's $550? This Tory Burch beauty is a clean and crisp match to any spring outfit. Mother's Day, Graham? haha.

My mom pointed this flower out to me during her visit here last month. The evening primrose in pink, versus the common yellow primrose, is elegant and easy to care for. It loves shade and spreads like wildfire. Perfect for my front yard.

I am anxiously awaiting coordinating dresses I ordered for Maddox and Harper from Jenny Gilbert's Savvy Stitches. From Frankfort, KY, Jenny is making the most adorable girls' clothing this spring and I am just in love with her fabrics. I bought this kitchen towel from Anthropologie a few weeks ago and sent it to her with an order for apron dresses for my spring chicks. Can't wait to see what she puts together!

Perhaps the most coveted item on this list of wants is chocolate! I gave up sweets for Lent and am struck hard with a craving everyday. All I have to say is that I better get a box like this one on Easter morning!

What's giving you spring fever this week?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes!

One year ago today, Graham left for Afghanistan. All told, he would be gone for 145 days, but the first day was arguably the hardest of his absence. Unknown to both of us, two babies were already on the way! In our craziest dreams, we would never have imagined that this would be our lives just one year later. Over the last few months, many of you have asked what a typical day is like around here. So in honor of this anniversary, I have mentally made notes of all the goings on in the Crouch household today.

Harper woke us up a little before 5 a.m. with what I would lovingly call sqealing at the top of her lungs. It's her new thing. Not crying. Just making noise. We allowed this to go on for about 30 minutes until she woke up her brother and then we brought the babies in our room for their morning feeding. Both Graham and I had showered by 6:30 and babies took a quick nap downstairs in their car seats while we all ate breakfast. Maddox regaled us with last night's dream of being a purple fairy in the story of Sleeping Beauty. In the dream she sewed a lovely purple dress for Aurora to wear. What a girl.

Graham took off for work around 7. The babies had a doc appointment complete with a round of shots scheduled for 10 a.m. so before he left, I threatened Graham with his life if he came late to the appointment and I had to take the babies in to the doctor by myself. (You have no idea how difficult it is to carry two carseats.) He kindly told me there was no need for weapons at the pediatrician's office and that he would see me there at 10 on the dot. Got Maddox and babies dressed. Fed babies bottles, then rice cereal and bananas. They loved it, as usual, but both filled their pants while sitting in their high chairs. Two messy diaper changes later, we were good to go. Quick devotional reading while babies were under their play gym, then got Maddox off to pre-school at 9 and headed to Charlottesville for the babes' appointment.

Stats! At four months Henry is 16 lbs 3 oz and 26 1/4". He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. Harper is 13 lbs 9 oz and 25 3/4". She is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. Babies did well with shots although they were fussy and tired the rest of the day.

I picked up Miss Maddy at noon from pre-school and home we went for lunch. Maddox assured me that school was great and everyone liked her pink shoes. Oh, and would I make her green eggs and ham tomorrow for breakfast? She spent some time bonding with her siblings over lunch. Henry was warned about hornet nests outside in the springtime. Harper was told there are "consequences" to not taking a nap when she gets to be a big girl.

Maddox and babies went down for a nap around 1:30. I took Lucy, our golden retriever, outside to throw the ball, then came indoors to begin the five loads of laundry that have been piling up this week. Everyone was up again a few hours later for bottles and cereal. Henry wore a pink bib with kissing fish on it. It was comical! Frankly, I have neither time nor energy to worry about gender specifics in this house, so sometimes Henry gets pink bibs and I don't feel bad about it. Maddox watched a movie while I entertained the kiddos until Graham got home. The hours of 5-6 p.m. are undoubtably the most difficult of the day as babies are fussy, tired and bored. Ugh. Beef stew for dinner. Babies were in bed by 6:45 and Maddy was bathed and in bed by 8. Whew! Personal time!

Tonight has been filled with more laundry, a workout on the new elliptical that is keeping me sane these days, and catching up on emails. I sleep well every night, even if it is for only five or so hours! Graham and I have spent our time together tonight reflecting on what a difference a year makes! We are always crazy around here, but so, so blessed!

Henry and Harper after breakfast. They LOVE their cereal and bananas!

Maddox is a big helper and fixes her own bed. She is very proud of herself!

Harper just before the doc appt. Too bad she wasn't as thrilled AFTER the doctor!

The babies and I waiting for Daddy to get home so they can eat and go to bed!