After days and weeks of false starts and stops of labor, I was scheduled for an induction on Monday, October 18th. It wasn't an ideal situation in my mind, but by this point I was measuring 43 weeks pregnant and I was miserable. So Monday it was.
Last Wednesday, Graham and I had the day to ourselves. He was off work and his mom had taken Maddox to D.C. overnight. My poor mother-in-law had been staying with us for over two weeks by this point and was meeting up with my father-in-law in Washington before heading for home. While we had free time, Graham and I spent the day running errands, taking a walk, and even going out for a movie and dinner.
At about 9:30 Wednesday night I began having contractions, not too close together but consistent. This has all happened before, I thought, so I shrugged it off and began baking my husband's birthday cake, a yummy yellow cake that used tons of eggs and butter, with a dark chocolate frosting. It took a little over two hours to completely prepare, bake, and cool, and by the time I was done, it was after midnight. All along I had been timing contractions. Finally, about 12:30, I went upstairs and laid down to get some sleep. Little did I know that just a few hours later my little ones would be born. Turns out, I was baking their birthday cake all along!
Graham and I made it to the hospital around 3:30 on Thursday morning, October 14th. I was in serious pain and my contractions were only 2 minutes apart. I was fully dialated a half hour later and our Baby A, Harper Rose, arrived at 5:04 a.m., weighing 5 lb. 13 oz and measuring 19 1/4". Baby B, Landrum Henry, was just about 30 minutes later at 5:35 a.m., weighing 5 lb. 6 oz and measuring 18 1/2".
Harper and Henry have completed our family. They are true joys to have brought into this world. I can't wait to share more of them with you in the coming weeks and months! And by the way, today is Graham's birthday! He celebrated with a near sleepless night last night as Henry and Harper decided to have his party for him from 12-5 a.m.!